• September 6 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

What Is Account Reconciliation?

If you follow us on social media you may have seen us speak about account reconciliation, but what does this actually mean? We have put together a quick guide to help explain this critical process that allows businesses to keep accurate financial records.  Account reconciliation involves checking two sets of financial records against each other […]

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  • August 18 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Cloud Hosting For Your Business

At Reality Solutions, we specialise in providing the very best cloud hosting solutions for our clients, but what actually is cloud hosting and why would your business benefit from it? Carry on reading to find out more! What is Cloud Hosting? With traditional website hosting, you use resources on a single physical server, which can […]

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  • August 9 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

A Guide To Sage 200

Whether you are a new user of Sage 200, or a regular user wanting to get some extra tips and tricks, we have you covered. The first thing to know is that Sage 200 is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, and can be tailored to fit the individual needs of any business. There are […]

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  • July 20 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Why Is Updating Your Software So Important?

Like many business owners, you probably get frustrated when the pop-up on your computer reminds you that a software update is overdue. It never appears at the appropriate time, and knowing that your computer will be offline for half an hour or so, it is incredibly tempting to press the ‘restart later’ option. However, this […]

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  • July 11 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Why Your Business Needs Sage 50 Training

We see lots of businesses that have Sage 50 installed and integrated with their internal systems, but aren’t using this powerful software to its full potential. Training is incredibly important, to ensure you are making the most of your software and it adds value to your business. Here are a few reasons why investing in […]

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  • June 30 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Power BI…What Is It & How Can It Help Your Business?

We are getting quite a few enquiries through about Power BI at the moment so we thought it would be a good idea to put a blog together which covers everything you need to know. Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a collection of software services, apps and connectors that work in harmony to give […]

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  • June 25 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Real-Time Data Can Help With Business Growth

Data is becoming more and more important within businesses, allowing more calculated decisions to be made. From a financial perspective, real-time data can help support budgeting, forecasting and generally keeping an eye on cash flow. First, let’s delve a little deeper into what we mean by real-time data. What is real-time data? Real-time data is […]

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  • June 9 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Ensuring Your Business Is Cybersecurity Compliant

You are probably already aware that the main goal of cybersecurity regulations are to protect both data accessibility and confidentiality too. Many organisations struggle to stay compliant with these regulations, particularly when it comes to knowing which standards are applicable to their business. Here at Reality Solutions, we thought it would be a good idea […]

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  • May 22 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

What is the Sicon Manufacturing for Sage 200 Module?

Sage 200 has many manufacturing capabilities, with the option of adding bespoke add-ons tailored to the needs of your business. Sicon Manufacturing is an additional set of modules that can be added to Sage 200, so you can easily integrate Bill of Materials, Planning and Works Orders with the Sage 200 module all together in […]

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  • May 5 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Migrating Your E-Commerce Business To The Cloud

The Cloud has been one of the biggest technological advances in recent times, and a huge number of businesses are now reaping the benefits of cloud computing. The pandemic has also caused a rise in e-commerce and online retail companies transferring over to the cloud in order to handle their operations. With a greater demand […]

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