Reality Solutions proudly shares with you our Cloud hosting platform Reality Cloud. IT companies have been offering hosting solutions for several years, but these are often outsourced with 3rd party suppliers. Here at Reality Solutions, we use our own infrastructure that is housed in UK based datacentres, providing expert cloud hosting solutions to Hull & Yorkshire businesses.
The “Cloud” can often seem like a mystical labyrinth of code that exists somewhere out in the ether. So, let’s demystify some of that and answer the FAQs we get from prospective clients about cloud hosting solutions & the cloud servers in Yorkshire that we offer.
Reality Cloud has its infrastructure located in ‘Tier 3’ certified datacentres within the UK.
Any of your current desktop applications can be hosted in the Reality Cloud hosting environment.
The beauty of Reality Cloud hosting solution is that it can be accessed anywhere that has an internet connection. Access to the Reality Cloud is encrypted with all sessions having MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) enforced.
As mentioned recently, an internet connection is all that is needed, meaning that the Cloud Hosting solution is accessible on any device with an internet connection.
On the contrary, Reality Cloud can lead to a whole host of cost savings across your business. Including, but not limited to, energy savings, reduced insurance premiums, hardware refresh outlays, and hardware upgrades. These benefits, along with a monthly subscription structure, make Reality Cloud affordable to all.
From a scalability perspective, the Reality Cloud hosting solution is incredibly flexible. Resource can be added or removed with each user to ensure scalability. As your business grows so does your platform. This is all with no extra investment in costly hardware resource.
At Reality Solutions, as cloud hosting providers we bill Reality Cloud on a per user monthly subscription basis. There is also a set-up fee dependent upon the complexity of each individual client needs. We take the time to understand each individual client and produce a bespoke package.
Simply contact the experts at Reality Solutions on 01482 828000 and ask our sales team about Reality Cloud hosting solution.