• June 16 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Sage 50cloud Accounts Online vs QuickBooks Online

When it comes to accounting software, the two popular choices that come to mind are usually Sage accounts online and Quickbooks. Deciding which software is best for your business can be tricky, so we have put together this helpful guide to make things easier for you. Before diving into the intricate details, it is worth […]

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  • May 27 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Which Email Platform Is Best For Your Budget?

Here at Reality Solutions we are Gold Microsoft Partners, so we do tend to sway towards Outlook as a better provider than Gmail. However, for the purpose of this blog, we will try to be as transparent as possible and give you all the information to help you make your own informed decision. They are […]

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  • May 15 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Sage Has A Fresh New Look

If you are a regular user of Sage, you may have noticed some changes appearing across the software interface recently. So why the new look? As Sage Partners, we received the full lowdown from Sage themselves – the inside scoop if you like! This refreshed look is the start of a new, slicker user experience […]

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  • April 29 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Types Of Data Backup

Backing up data should be an essential part of any business continuity plan, and it is also important to remember that as changes are made to the data, backups should change too. In an ideal world, businesses should have a full backup of their data which is accessible at any given moment. However in reality, […]

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  • April 19 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Sage 50 Manufacturing – End Of Life

Despite Sage 50 Manufacturing reaching its end of life back in 2021, we often receive questions regarding this software. We thought it would be a great opportunity to have a bit of a refresher on why Sage 50 Manufacturing is no longer available, and some information about its replacement Cim50 manufacturing. Let’s Go Back In […]

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  • April 6 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Why Your Business Needs IT Support

Usually when companies choose a managed service agreement with Reality Solutions, it is triggered by a realisation that they are wasting precious time in the business struggling with IT problems. What many people don’t realise is that as well as helping to save businesses time, an IT support provider can play a huge role in […]

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  • March 4 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Questions To Ask A New IT Security Provider

If you are considering switching to a new IT security provider, then there are a few things that you should think about in advance. As a business owner, cybersecurity should be in the forefront of your mind and every step possible should be taken to reduce this threat. It is important to have ongoing conversations […]

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  • February 24 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

How AI Is Revolutionising The Finance Sector

progresses. With business owners realising the importance of automation, it is really starting to change the world in which we do business. Even the finance sector is starting to succumb to this new technology… first cloud accounting, and now artificial intelligence. If we don’t move with the times, then we will only get left behind! […]

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  • February 7 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Windows Server 2012 R2 End-of-Life

You may have heard us mention quite a while back in 2018 that server 2012 R2’s end-of-life road map was beginning and Microsoft were removing their mainstream support for this server. So why are we reminding you of this now, you may ask?! That is because the extended support phase that the server entered is […]

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  • January 24 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Payroll Year-End Checklist

January is one of the busiest periods for most accountants as payroll year-end is just around the corner. In theory, it should just be a simple month-12 or week-52 payroll but these things often end up being a little more complex than first imagined! We have put together this quick payroll year-end checklist to help […]

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