It happens… whether you have had big financial pressure on your business, staff members have been off with illness, or various other reasons. Unfortunately, sometimes the payroll gets missed and you end up with some slightly disgruntled employees. Paying staff on time is obviously very important in order to keep morale high and they could […]
With more and more employees working from home now, it is important that as a business owner you have all the correct policies and procedures in place to keep data secure. Password managers are a great way to improve business security and remove the need for having shared documents with passwords on display for everyone […]
Cloud software is becoming a more popular solution for business owners, particularly since the pandemic causing businesses to operate from home. Migrating to the cloud can be a challenge for any business, and without careful planning and preparation things could go very wrong. It is always best to have help from an experienced technical team […]
There have been lots of changes regarding VAT for businesses this year, and in a recent blog we explained how eCommerce VAT in the EU has changed. Today we are going to look at how the changing VAT rules could impact the cashflow of businesses within the construction sector, many whom are covered by the […]
You may have heard on the grapevine that Microsoft have recently announced a price increase to their Microsoft 365 products. This is the first substantive pricing update since Office 365 was launched over a decade ago, so you could say it has been on the cards for a while! What does this mean for your business […]
With Brexit and the pandemic, the past year has been incredibly hard for a lot of businesses. You may have heard that on the 1st July 2021 the way that VAT is handled for online sales from businesses worldwide to consumers in the EU has changed. Understanding exactly what this means can be a minefield […]
We don’t want to alarm you, but every business owner should be concerned about the possibility of data breaches. Since the pandemic cybercriminals have been more active than ever, and it isn’t just the multinational corporations they have been targeting. Of course we all tend to hear about the likes of Facebook and Gmail being […]
You are probably already aware that here at Reality Solutions we are Sage business partners, but we thought it might be useful to explain why we partner with Sage, and the benefits we can bring to your business. If you are serious about business cloud accounting in Hull, then read on! Accounting and managing cash […]
‘Digital transformation’ seems to be the buzzword that everyone is talking about at the moment. The pandemic has caused us to rethink how we run our businesses, and those who haven’t adapted quickly have been left behind. Digital transformation doesn’t just mean switching over to Zoom so that you can run virtual meetings with your […]
COVID caused a boom in everything digital, mainly due to lockdown restrictions and social distancing. The banking sector was no exception with more people opening new accounts online using mobile devices. During the course of the next year, we expect to see an even higher level of digital growth in this sector as 5G is […]