• January 9 2023
  • Lottie Perrelle

Why You Should Outsource Your IT Support

The New Year brings with it lots of change, particularly for those business owners who have managed to switch off during the festive period. With lots of different ideas buzzing around their heads in January, now is the time that many business owners start making new changes. Whether that be budget related, reallocating resources internally […]

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  • December 14 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Creating a Payroll Budget for Your Business

Everyone in business knows that budgeting is key in order to maintain a healthy cash flow. Having an idea of your outgoings means you can forecast better, and easily deal with any problems that may arise. Setting aside funds for payroll should be included within your cash flow budget, particularly as it is one of […]

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  • November 30 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

What Does Cyber Essentials Accredited Really Mean?

For those who are eagle-eyed, you may have noticed that on the homepage of our website, there is the Cyber Essentials accredited logo. What does this mean though, how can we help to protect businesses from cyber attacks? Read on to find out more about the Hull Cyber Essentials service we provide. Cyber security is […]

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  • November 17 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

The Next Phase of MTD

The final phase of Making Tax Digital (MTD) came into effect on the 1st November 2022, but what was this change & how will it affect your business? Carry on reading this blog to find out more! By law, all VAT-registered businesses must have now signed up to Making Tax Digital (MTD) and use compatible […]

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  • October 31 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Cybersecurity Myths: True or False?

As the business landscape has gone through the recent digital transformation, there has been a significant increase in cyberattacks, phishing and ransomware threats. This also means that people have been putting lots of information out there to help businesses owners navigate these threats. It can be hard to cut through the noise, so we have […]

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  • October 24 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Accounting For Import VAT on Your VAT Return

If you run a business that regularly imports goods, you will probably already know that you need to account for import VAT on imports into Great Britain. VAT-registered companies don’t require approval to account for import VAT, this can be included as part of your VAT return immediately. So why are we telling you all […]

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  • October 4 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Managed Service Providers Explained

Managed Service Providers is another term for IT professionals, but when it comes to Managed Services themselves, are they all the same? We have put together this blog to explain all, so that when it comes to outsourcing your IT support you know exactly what you should look for. What are Managed Services? There isn’t […]

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  • September 23 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Why You Should Move Your Business Finance Management To The Cloud

Many business owners have attempted to manage the impact of the pandemic by adapting the way they use technology. From using video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams, to transferring internal systems onto cloud hosting so staff can access everything they need from their own homes. IDC’s 2021 Cloud Pulse Survey recently concluded that more […]

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  • September 5 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

How To Back Up Data When Working From Home

With more and more people working from home (although this may change in winter with the energy crisis!), ensuring your staff back up their data is more important than ever before. Whilst we like to think anything stored on our computers is safe and secure, unfortunately this is not the case. Cybercrime is on the […]

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  • August 22 2022
  • Lottie Perrelle

Sage 200 Standard vs Sage 200 Professional

Sage 200 is a smarter, faster way to run your business. Not only can you manage your accounts and customers using this incredible software, but you can also manage manufacturing, supply chain, business intelligence, and it even connects directly with Microsoft 365 too. One simple software solution that brings together all the elements of your […]

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